World Vegetable Center (WorldVeg) is a non-profit international organization, helping farmers grow more vegetables and grow them safely. We began as the AVRDC in 1973, with a focus on Asian countries, for contributing to eliminate malnutrition, hunger and poverty and Korea is one of the founding member countries.Overtime, our geographical focus has shifted with a new name, WorldVeg. WorldVeg’s research outputs are global goods and freely available for others to use. WorldVeg Korea Office (WKO) located in NIHHS, RDA has been launched in 2019.
World Vegetable Center Korea Office
Supportring the international cooperation project
[Public sector] Working as a supporter of RDA in international collaborations(AFACI, KoRAA) on vegetable-related issues.
[Private sector] Encouraging domestic vegetable seed companies to join the annual APSA-WorldVeg vegetable breeding consortium to help them construct international networks required for entering global markets. (World germ plasm data/request the seeds-